The first Fantasy Football pants podcast of the season FINALLY got under

Wolf Blitzer joins me to discuss all things fantasy for week 7 and a preview for week 8. Okay, it's not really Wolf Blitzer, just my friend Joe whose fantasy team is called Wolf Blitzer.
We won't pretend to be experts, just fans who enjoy the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat every Sunday as our fantasy football teams either rise up or fall apart at the seams. We'll talk about:
-The grenade player of Week 7 who came out of nowhere to blow someone's team apart
-The torpedo player that didn't live up to expectations and sunk his team
-Which waiver pickup was an oil strike and which one wasn't worth the waiver claim
-And my favorite: the fantasy sob story from Week 7 that's so sad, it could only belong in a country music song.
Plus, we preview week 8.
*So throw on some headphones and pretend to work as you hear the Fantasy PantsCast of the Week.
*batteries not included
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