Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Guess Irony Can Be Pretty Ironic Sometimes

Today was the day I got my doggy spayed. She was all happy and excitable when we brought her to the clinic. If she's completely pissed off and saturnine when my girlfriend and I pick her up, I won't be surprised. After all, she trusts us and all she knows is that we took her somewhere and now she's groggy and in pain.

But at least she doesn't live in Virginia.

The Richmond Times Dispatch has reported that Robin Starr, CEO of Richmond SPCA left her 16 year old dog in a car for four hours. You can probably guess the ending to this story. Dead dog.

Starr has a communication breakdown with her husband and didn't realize the deaf and blind dog was in the car when she went to work. It's a horrible mistake for any dog owner, but multiply that by a thousand when you're the head of an animal loving organization like the SPCA.

This story is also big because the accident happened during the week when dog destroying Michael Vick makes his comeback debut for the Philadelphia Eagles. Where is Michael Vick from? Newport News, Virginia which is about a two hour drive from Richmond.

The only responsible conclusion I can come to is that Virginians hate puppies.

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